Drug Tests in Traverse City, Michigan

Schedule Now

Health Street's 2 drug testing centers in Traverse City, Michigan offer easy-to-access and comprehensive drug and alcohol testing services. Pre-register by calling (231) 525-7195 or setting up your drug testing online. Options include urine or hair drug testing, DOT or non-DOT drug tests, and alcohol testing.

You can register for drug testing in Traverse City, MI for your employees, yourself, or another person. Just select a urine test or hair drug test; then, pick the most convenient Health Street location in Traverse City. Upon registration, a barcode will be sent to whomever you register, which can be presented at the testing facility. Test results are reported back to you quickly and securely online.

Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered

Extremely Helpful Service
Extremely helpful and great customer service! Results were timely and easy to read. I was tested for an ETG 70-80 hr look back in petoskey to confirm that my sober link breathalyzer was acting up. Couldn't be happier with this company!
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5 out of 5 stars (1 reviews)

Drug Testing in Traverse City, Michigan

Traverse City MI Drug Testing Locations

Types of Drug Tests in Traverse City, Michigan clinics:

In Traverse City, Health Street offers the widest variety and selection of drug tests anywhere, which allows you to choose from any panel you wish, with rapid results or sent to our lab, using a urine sample or a hair sample. Most of our tests have an option to add alcohol or remove THC from the screening, so that we can always meet your specific requirements.

The number of urine drug testing services and drug screening panels that we offer means that you can test for nearly any drug.

5 Panel - $75

The most basic test we offer is a 5 Panel Drug Test , which tests for:

Marijuana (THC, cannabinoids, weed)
Phencyclidine (PCP – angel dust)
Amphetamines (Adderall, Ritalin, methamphetamines)
Basic Opiates (heroin, morphine, codeine)

9 Panel - $85

The next option up from there is the 9 Panel Drug Test , which adds in some commonly abused prescriptions:

Benzodiazepines (Valium, Klonopin, Xanax)

10 Panel - $89

The popular 10 Panel Drug Test adds in methaqualone.

12 Panel - $149

When asked, we often recommend the 12 Panel Drug Test because it is a well rounded test that screens for common opioids and ecstasy, including:

MDMA/6AM (Ecstasy, Molly)
Expanded opiate class: Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone (Vicodan, Percocet, Oxycontin)

16 Panel - $250

If you're at all concerned with opiate usage beyond basic painkillers, just as many people in Traverse City are, consider registering for a 16 Panel Opiate Drug Test . These synthetic opiates are not picked up by lesser panel tests.

Meperidine (Demerol)
Buprenorphine (Suboxone)

The above are just a few of the wide variety of urine tests we offer. You can view all urine drug screens offered at our Traverse City drug testing centers. We offer urine tests that go up to 22 panels, plus specialized tests for synthetic marijuana and bath salts, ketamine and rohypnol, GHB and more.

Alcohol Drug Tests

Alcohol use can be detected by our Traverse City drug testing locations. You can select our EtG test for alcohol (which has a 3 day look-back), or add it to any of our drug tests. Choose the alcohol drug testing that looks back at the specific period of time that matters to you:

Breath Alcohol Tests : choose this if alcohol use is suspected on the job and as a standard after an accident. You can register to bring the staff to us, or request that we dispatch a mobile drug testing technician to come on-site in the Traverse City, MI region for emergencies.
Alcohol EtG Tests are good for looking back at alcohol consumption over 3 days; we also offer a 12 hour test.
PEth Blood Alcohol tests go back 3 weeks.
Hair EtG Test is a hair alcohol test that looks back at a 3 month period.

DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing in Traverse City, Michigan

DOT Drug and Alcohol Tests

Our Traverse City facilities have technicians certified to perform DOT drug testing and breath alcohol tests. Random Pool Membership is offered, and members get discounted pricing on DOT drug tests. And because we know that many Traverse City businesses and residents are involved with shipping or maritime in one way or another, we help you comply with the strict USCG drug testing regulations. We have a pre-set DOT package specifically tailored just for the USCG (US Coast Guard) Drug Testing requirements. It includes everything you need from the SAMHSA lab to the MRO signed USCG-719P report.

Hair Drug Testing in Traverse City, Michigan

Hair Drug Tests go back up to 90 days. We do these at our Traverse City drug testing locations with a small hair sample from the scalp or body.

Additional services from Employers: StaffGlass

Employers get access to our proprietary StaffGlass eResults portal. When logged in, business users are able to:

Register for drug or alcohol tests and pick clinics nationwide; view results and status of all tests
Set up Michigan Background Check and view results
Register staff for Occupational Health Testing
Manage eSign documents related to the testing process
Set up a DOT random pool and manage enrollment in a DOT small business consortium

For live customer service, call our U.S. based call center Monday through Friday, from 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time.

Why Health Street

A Decade Plus of Experience

Health Street has provided drug tests since 2010. The first time we performed drug testing in Traverse City, MI was in 2015. 

Drug Use and Statistics for Traverse City MI

Substance Abuse Statistics for Traverse City, MI

In 2019, the opioid prescription rate for Grand Traverse County, the locality in which Traverse City resides, was 90.9 per 100 residents.
In 2019, Grand Traverse County saw 76 reports of injury caused by a driver under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
73 percent of Michigan state's drug overdose deaths in 2016 were related to opioid drugs.
In 2017, the reported amount of drug overdose deaths in Michigan exceeded both traffic and gun deaths combined.

Community Efforts to Curb Drug Abuse in Traverse City, MI

The Drug-Free Northern Michigan - Be the Solution campaign is a community drug education program dedicated to reducing substance abuse concerns throughout 21 North Michigan counties, including Grand Traverse, Emmet, and Otsego. Campaign efforts include increasing public awareness through access to prevention, treatment, and recovery resources for drug abusers and their families.

Prevention resources provided by the campaign include multiple prescription drug disposal sites for Traverse City citizens to properly dispose of any unused or unwanted prescription drugs, helping to reduce community access. Likewise, optional Naloxone educational resources help citizens to learn how to receive and administer the drug overdose reversal drug in hopes of reducing the increasing drug-induced fatality rates.

Laws Involving Drug Abuse in Traverse City, MI

To combat the growing number of drug overdose deaths in Michigan, the state legislature passed a Naloxone standing order law in 2016 under House Bill No. 5326. Under this new standing law, pharmacists are now allowed to dispense the drug overdose reversal drug Naloxone without a specific prescription or identification of the patient who requires it.

This new alternative allows family, friends, and public safety officials to obtain Naloxone for use in the event of an emergency drug overdose. The open prescription law follows a spike in opioid-related drug overdose deaths in recent years, seen hitting communities such as Traverse City especially hard.

Neighborhoods in Traverse City Served by our Clinics

Kids Creek
Midtown Centre
Oak Park
Old Towne
Orchard Heights
Traverse Heights

Employment Screening Services

Health Street offers a variety of other services, including:

Michigan Background Check for businesses hiring staff in Traverse City, MI


"U.S. County Opioid Dispensing Rates, 2019." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/maps/rxcounty2019.html
"2019 Michigan Annual Drunk Driving Audit, Grand Traverse County." Michigan State Police, https://www.michigan.gov/documents/msp/2019_Drunk_Driving_Audit_FINAL_APPROVED_6-29-20_695564_7.pdf
"Grand Traverse County Substance Use Assessment." Northern Michigan Public Health Alliance, http://gtchd.org/DocumentCenter/View/11468/GTCO-Substance-Use-Assessment-2019-Final
"Be the Solution." Northern Michigan Regional Entity, https://www.drugfreenorthernmichigan.net/
"Enrolled House Bill No. 5326." State of Michigan 98th Legislature, http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2015-2016/publicact/pdf/2016-PA-0383.pdf
"Neighborhood Associations." City of Traverse City, Michigan, https://www.traversecitymi.gov/neighborhoods.asp