Drug Test - Orem, UT

Register Now

Health Street provides drug and alcohol testing in Orem, Utah at 2 conveniently located drug testing centers. Call (801) 657-4246 or register online. Drug testing options include DOT and non-DOT urine drug tests, breath alcohol tests, EtG alcohol tests, and hair drug testing.

Whether you're drug testing your employees, yourself, or a family member, just choose your test and pick a laboratory testing location. Rest assured, a registration barcode will be sent to you immediately (or to the person you specify). A map and GPS directions will be linked to the barcode. Test results are fast, accurate, and reported securely in our online portal.

Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered

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4.9 out of 5 stars (6892 reviews)

Drug Testing in Orem, Utah

Types of Drug Testing in Orem, Utah labs:

In Orem, Health Street offers the widest variety and selection of drug tests anywhere, which allows employers, courts, attorneys, and private individuals to choose from a wide variety of non-DOT or DOT drug and alcohol tests which can detect virtually any substance.

Available Testing Methods

Urine Drug Testing (DOT or non-DOT)
Alcohol Testing (breath alcohol or EtG tests)

StaffGlass eResults portal for Employers

Business users get access to the amazing StaffGlass eResults portal. Once logged in, business users can:

Register for drug or alcohol tests and pick clinics nationwide; view results and status of all tests
Set up Utah Background Check and view results
Register staff for Occupational Health Services
Manage eSign documents related to the testing process
Set up a DOT random pool, manage staff, update small business consortium enrollment

Why Health Street

A Decade Plus of Experience

Health Street has provided drug tests since 2010. The first time we performed drug testing in Orem, UT was in 2016. From then until now, we have completed 103 drug tests at our Orem labs.

Dedicated to Excellence

We are dedicated to providing a level of excellence in drug testing in Orem that is unmatched.

Orem, Utah - Drug Testing

Substance Abuse Statistics and Trends for Orem, UT

In 2020, the Utah Department of Health recorded 176 prescription opioid drug overdose deaths across the state.
In the state of Utah, 84% of fentanyl overdose deaths involved more than one drug, primarily methamphetamine, from 2016 to 2020.
In 2020, the opioid dispensing rate for Utah county, the locality in which the city of Orem resides, was 40.1 per 100 residents.

News Events Relating to Substance Abuse in Orem, UT

In March 2022, the Utah County Sheriff's Office completed a significant drug bust following a routine traffic stop in the Orem area. According to reports, a deputy pulled over a vehicle on the southbound ramp to I-15 at 1600 North, where they immediately noticed evidence of drug use inside the vehicle.

The female driver was asked to exit the vehicle, and law enforcement conducted a search to discover a suitcase. When searching the suitcase, an unknown powder blew into the deputy's face, causing dizziness and breathing difficulties that resulted in his being transported to the local hospital.

A continued search of the vehicle later led to the discovery of 9.6 pounds of methamphetamine and roughly 5,000 blue pills made with fentanyl, which were marked as counterfeit OxycodoneIR30 pills. The suspect was booked into the Utah county jail and was charged with numerous drug-related offenses, including distribution and DUI.

Initiatives to Help Curb Substance Abuse in Orem, UT

Across the state of Utah, opioid abuse and overdose concerns have continued to affect many communities, including Orem and the surrounding Utah County. To combat the ongoing effects of the opioid epidemic, the Utah Opioid Task Force was created to develop new approaches that target deadly opioid abuse.

Through the work of this task force, naloxone rescue kits were made to treat cases of opioid overdose. Naloxone is an opioid overdose treatment drug that can be used in emergency events to reverse deadly side effects. The task force is also working on various forms of legislation that work to address multiple aspects of opioid concerns, including prescribing practices and government spending.

Last updated 12/29/2022

Neighborhoods In and Around Orem That We Serve

Geneva Heights
Orem North
Orem Park
Sunset Heights West

Employment Screening Services

Health Street offers a variety of other services, including:

Utah Background Check for businesses hiring staff in Orem, UT


"Health Indicator Report of Drug Overdose and Poisoning Incidents." Utah Public Health, https://ibis.health.utah.gov/ibisph-view/indicator/view/PoiDth.Opi.html
"Fentanyl in Utah." Utah Public Health, https://ibis.health.utah.gov/ibisph-view/pdf/opha/publication/hsu/2021/11_Fentanyl.pdf
"U.S. County Opioid Dispensing Rates, 2020." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/rxrate-maps/county2020.html
"Significant drug bust in Utah County lands one person in jail." KSL 102.7 News, https://kslnewsradio.com/1964877/significant-drug-bust-in-utah-county-lands-one-person-in-jail/
"Utah Opioid Task Force." Utah Office of the Attorney General, https://attorneygeneral.utah.gov/initiatives/utah-opioid-task-force/
"Orem Neighborhoods." City of Orem, https://orem.org/neighborhoods/