Occupational Health Tests – Cary, NC

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If you're an employer looking for Cary occupational health services, look no further than Health Street. Our occupational health services help to ensure the safety and health of your workforce by minimizing work-related accidents, injuries, disease transmission, and fatalities. We offer a variety of workplace occupational health tests and services at locations nationwide. Our Cary occupational health tests include everything from pre-employment health screening to employee physicals, vaccinations, and more.

As an employer aiming for a safe and healthy workplace, you must understand federal, North Carolina state, and Cary laws. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) generally defines occupational health testing requirements, and North Carolina provides its own OSHA-approved state plan.

Registering for occupational health testing in Cary, NC is easy. Simply enter your ZIP code, choose a clinic, and register online. Occupational health tests can also be scheduled via phone by calling (919) 822-9420.

Occupational Health Testing in Cary, NC

Antibody Tests

(starting at $149)

Determine if a person has immunity to a specific disease, such as hepatitis, varicella (Chickenpox), or MMR.



(starting at $75)

Evaluate physical characteristics of a person and collect key measurements, such as blood pressure, weight, BMI, and more.


Diagnostic Blood Tests

(starting at $78)

Check for important health indicators in a person's blood like sugar level, electrolytes, and kidney and liver function.


Employment Physicals

(starting at $125)

DOT and non-DOT physicals are available in Cary to meet the needs of all industries.


Respiratory Health

(starting at $80)

Respiratory screenings can include respirator fit tests, pulmonary function tests, EKGs, and x-rays.


Tuberculosis (TB)

(starting at $125)

Diagnose tuberculosis infections using PPD skin tests, Oxford T-Spot tests, or chest x-rays.



(starting at $229)

Vaccines are available for varicella (Chickenpox), MMR, tetanus, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B.


Vision & Hearing

(starting at $75)

Ensure employees can safely perform their jobs with four different vision tests and audiometric testing.


Cary Occupational Health Laws, Acts, and Legislation

Cary workplace health regulations include North Carolina's standard for bloodborne pathogens, which protects healthcare workers against disease-causing microorganisms present in blood and other bodily fluids. The state plan has adopted 29 CFR 1910.1030 from the federal OSHA and has added 13 NCAC 07F.0207 to protect construction workers from toxic and hazardous substances.
Cary occupational health regulations include North Carolina's Subpart E, which provides standards regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) in the construction industry. PPE includes head, eye, face, and foot protection, lifelines and lanyards, safety belts, respiratory protection, and safety nets. The standard provides criteria for PPE, including its construction, design, and payment for PPE.
Cary workplace health laws include federal OSHA's Occupational Noise Exposure Standard (1910.95). The standard protects employees with occupational noise exposure that exceeds the limits set by OSHA. When noise levels exceed the limits, employers shall utilize feasible control measures to reduce noise levels. If these measures fail, employers must provide the employee with the correct PPE for hearing protection. Employers must also administer a continuing hearing conservation program that includes hearing exams.
Cary workplace health regulations include North Carolina law 10A NCAC 41A .0205 for tuberculosis testing. The regulation requires TB testing for certain employees, including those in nursing homes, adult daycares, and correctional facilities.
The information provided on this page is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be used in place of legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

Local Information for Cary Occupational Testing

Cary occupational health services help minimize workplace accidents, injuries, disease transmissions, and fatalities. To protect your business as a Cary employer, you must understand local and federal occupational health laws. North Carolina has its own OSHA-approved state plan that provides regulations for occupational health tests. The state's plan covers private-sector workplaces in Cary and throughout the state, with some exceptions, and does not cover federal government workers. Exceptions to North Carolina's state plan include maritime workers, contract workers engaged with the United States Postal Service (USPS) mail operations, railroad employees, American National Red Cross workers, aircraft cabin crew members, and employees on Indian reservations. Federal OSHA covers issues not addressed in the state plan.

Why Choose Health Street's Services?

Health Street understands the importance of maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, and we also know that each employer has their own unique needs. For this reason, we offer various workplace occupational health tests and services at locations nationwide to meet the needs of all employers. Our goal is to ensure your employers meet the necessary clearances needed to do their jobs efficiently and safely.

Whether you're wondering where to get a physical for work or you're looking for employee health screening in Cary for your workers, you'll find it at Health Street. Our Cary occupational health services include vaccines, titer testing, biometrics, diagnostic blood tests, respiratory health exams, tuberculosis (TB) testing, vision and hearing exams, pre-employment health screening, and employment physicals.

Our fully licensed team of experts works with you, ensuring a stress-free process every step of the way. We strive for ultimate customer satisfaction that exceeds your expectations. We use cutting-edge technology with competitive pricing to ensure accurate, comprehensive, and timely results for the best value. Our registration process is easy, and once you register, you can choose from our many nationwide locations for your convenience.

Are you ready to take the next step in ensuring a safe and healthy workplace? Contact Health Street today to gain access to our Cary occupational health tests and services.

Employment Screening Services

Health Street offers a variety of other services, including:

North Carolina Background Check for businesses hiring staff in Cary, NC


"State Plans." Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), https://www.osha.gov/stateplans/
"North Carolina State Plan." Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), https://www.osha.gov/stateplans/nc
"Bloodborne Pathogens." NC Department of Labor (NCDOL), https://www.labor.nc.gov/bloodborne-pathogens
"1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens." Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.1030
"13 NCAC 07F .0207 Toxic and Hazardous Substances." North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings, http://reports.oah.state.nc.us/ncac/title%2013%20-%20labor/chapter%2007%20-%20office%20of%20occupational%20safety%20and%20health/subchapter%20f/13%20ncac%2007f%20.0207.pdf
"1926 Subpart E - Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment." Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1926#1926_Subpart_E
"Does "Subpart E - Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment" Apply to You?" N.C. Department of Labor (NCDOL), https://www.labor.nc.gov/does-subpart-e-personal-protective-and-life-saving-equipment-apply-you
"1910.95 - Occupational Noise Exposure." Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.95
"10A NCAC 41A .0205 Control Measures - Tuberculosis." North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings, http://reports.oah.state.nc.us/ncac/title%2010a%20-%20health%20and%20human%20services/chapter%2041%20-%20epidemiology%20health/subchapter%20a/10a%20ncac%2041a%20.0205.pdf