Drug Test - Linthicum, MD

Choose Drug Test

Health Street provides drug and alcohol testing in Linthicum, Maryland at our drug testing center. Whether you need drug and alcohol testing for your employees, yourself, or a family member, you can rest assured that Health Street drug testing services in Linthicum, MD provide a safe and clean environment and accurate results. We'll send a barcode authorization for the urine or hair drug test that you choose by text and email, along with a map to the clinic address.

Register for urine or hair drug tests in Linthicum, MD quickly and easily online. Drug testing panels include Department of Transportation (DOT) and non-DOT urine drug tests, breath alcohol tests, EtG alcohol tests, and hair drug testing. Test results are fast, reviewed by our Medical Review Officer (an MRO), and reported safely and securely online. You can also call (410) 429-1367 with any questions about our employment screening services.

Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered

Fabulous Timing

Fabulous timing!
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5 out of 5 stars (1 reviews)

Drug Testing in Linthicum, Maryland

Types of Drug Testing in Linthicum, Maryland labs:

In Linthicum, Health Street offers the widest variety and selection of drug tests anywhere, which allows employers, courts, attorneys, and private individuals to choose from a wide variety of non-DOT or DOT drug and alcohol tests which can detect virtually any substance.

Available Testing Methods

Urine Drug Testing (DOT or non-DOT)
Alcohol Testing (breath alcohol or EtG tests)

StaffGlass eResults portal for Employers

Business users get access to the amazing StaffGlass eResults portal. Once logged in, business users can:

Register for drug or alcohol tests and pick clinics nationwide; view results and status of all tests
Set up Maryland Background Check and view results
Register staff for Occupational Health Services
Manage eSign documents related to the testing process
Set up a DOT random pool, manage staff, update small business consortium enrollment

Why Health Street

More than a Decade of Experience

Since 2010, Health Street has provided drug testing in Linthicum as well as thousands of other cities nationwide. The first drug test that Health Street performed in Linthicum, MD was in 2016. From then until now, we have processed 63 drug tests in Linthicum.

Commitment to Excellence

Our goal is to provide the best possible drug testing Linthicum employers and residents.

Local Drug Testing for Linthicum, MD

Notable Historical Events Related to Drug Use in Linthicum, MD and Anne Arundel County

In 2017, 16 overdoses were reported in Linthicum and Anne Arundel County within a 24-hour time period. Three of these overdoses were fatal. As of March 2017, at the time of this spike in overdoses, Anne Arundel County faced 21 fatal overdoses in 2017, which is doubled from 2016.

The 2017 spike in overdoses led authorities to warn the community about the increase in heroin and opioid overdoses. They encouraged users to seek treatment for addiction.

Experts Say...

Lt. Ryan Frashure was the police spokesperson at the time of the 2017 spike in overdoses and he spoke about the epidemic. "We, as a department, have been telling the public that this is a fight of epidemic proportions, but it seems like people have not been listening," he said, "If any good comes from that one day spike, it's that people will see the fight that we have been fighting every day for the past 2-3 years. We have worked very hard with other organizations within the county to provide education, treatment, and prevention." He encouraged individuals to take advantage of the treatment options being offered and to seek help.

Substance Abuse Trends and Statistics for the City of Linthicum, MD and Anne Arundel County

The number of fatal opioid-related overdoses in Linthicum and Anne Arundel County increased from 1999-2018.
In 2018 in Linthicum, MD and Anne Arundel County, there were 237 fatal overdoses related to opioids.
In Anne Arundel County, more than two people overdose every day due to opioids.

Government Efforts to Address Drug Problems in Linthicum, MD and Anne Arundel County

Anne Arundel County offers safe stations and helplines for residents to receive help for opioid addiction.
Anne Arundel County residents are offered free online naloxone training with a free naloxone kit. Naloxone is a drug used to reverse the effects of opioid overdoses.
County residents can drop off unwanted, unused, and expired medications for safe disposal at several locations.

Some Linthicum Neighborhoods That We Serve

Cleveland Rd
Hawthorne Rd
Forest View Rd
Glenwood Rd
Oak Grove Rd

Employment Screening Services

Health Street offers a variety of other services, including:

Maryland Background Check for businesses hiring staff in Linthicum, MD


Belt, Deb. "16 Opioid Overdoses, 3 Deaths In 24 Hours Across Anne Arundel County." Patch, 10 March 2017, https://patch.com/maryland/annapolis/16-opioid-overdoses-3-deaths-24-hours-across-anne-arundel-county
"Anne Arundel County Opioid Death Statistics." LiveStories, https://www.livestories.com/statistics/maryland/anne-arundel-county-opioids-deaths-mortality
"Denial is Deadly." Anne Arundel County Maryland Department of Health, https://denialisdeadly.org/
"Prescription Drug Drop-Off Locations." Anne Arundel County Maryland Department of Health, https://denialisdeadly.org/prescription-drug-dropoff-locations
"Overdose Response (Naloxone) Training." Anne Arundel County Maryland Department of Health, https://denialisdeadly.org/overdose-response-training
"Treatment & Recovery Services." Anne Arundel County Maryland Department of Health, https://denialisdeadly.org/treatment-recovery